12 Days of Cookies - Butterscotch Triple Chip
And on the sixth day of Baked’s 12 Days of Cookies Michelle went all sorts of crazy and made the sizable Butterscotch Triple Chip Cookie because…well, just read:
Butterscotch has always been my favorite kind of pudding. I have fond memories of helping my mom make it growing up and I could never wait for it to firm up before I dipped my spoon in for that first taste! These cookies represent that memory for me. They are full of dark chocolate, white chocolate, and butterscotch chips!
Wow Michelle, that’s a whole lotta cookie with a whole lotta chips. And it is available all day today at Baked. Participating from afar? Check out our 12 Days of Cookies event and you might just win something.
And since we are deep in cookie week, how about a cookie vid? A cowboy cookie vid nonetheless!