12 Days of Cookies : Day Two
Cookie number two (in our 12 Days of Cookies) is not really a cookie. It’s fudge! More importantly, cookie fudge. And, again, it is a Mandy pick!”
Per Mandy: “This is a basic, sweet fudge which I usually make with chocolate chip cookies – but per a request, I am making today’s batch with Oreos! I love all of the different fudge/cookie combos (I am always substituting different cookies). It looks great on a holiday cookie plate.
Baked will be serving Mandy’s Oreo Cookie Fudge all day until we run out. And if you need cookie inspiration or recipes, take a gander over here.
Stocking Stuffer
Mandy’s suggested stocking stuffer was the simple whisk. And, well, if you need another stocking stuffer suggestion, we think you can’t go wrong with our award winning brownie box.