Halloween Pop Tarts : Free Pre-Order Recipe

It’s almost fall. Leaf peeping, pumpkin picking, hot apple cider-drinking fall. This is a very good thing. Because as much as we love summer bike rides and pools and BBQs and beaches, we really REALLY love fall. Put away the shorts. Unearth the stretchy pants. Fall baking (and eating) approaches.

behind the scenes of the Baked Occasions book shoot

behind the scenes of the Baked Occasions book shoot

We have much to celebrate this fall. We have a new store opening in Tribeca shortly. And, as you know (because we can’t stop talking about it), we are really excited about our new book, Baked Occasions, which launches Oct. 7th.

milk chocolate malted brownies with chocolate ganache (recipe in Baked Occasions)

Milk Chocolate Malted Brownies with Chocolate Ganache photo shoot leftovers (recipe in Baked Occasions)

Anyway, our kind publisher has put up a very cool info/landing page about our new book. And they are even offering a free fall-ish recipe (Halloween Chocolate Pop Tarts with Peanut Butter and Jam Filling) for anybody that pre-orders the book from any retailer. Just plop in your transaction/order code and kick-off your fall baking. If you already pre-ordered the book, great. If not, now is a perfect time to reserve a copy.

Though we are excited about all of the fall recipes within Baked Occasions, we are just as excited to show you some of our other holiday favorites, like this preview of our May Day/Strawberry Supreme Cake:


prepping Strawberry Supreme for the photo shoot

And this very tasty, very pretty Wintermint Cake we made in celebration of the Winter Solstice:


Katie prepping the Wintermint Cake.

And I kind of love this artsy iPhone shot (all set photos courtesy the amazing Sheri Codiana) of our Pistachio White Chocolate Cheesecake for National Pistachio Day (yup, there is a holiday for this). It feels very much like a Wayne Thiebaud painting to me.


Pistachio White Chocolate Cheesecake on the set…

More book previews and recipes coming SOON! Until then, enjoy this perfect sweater weather.