How (not) To Build a Bakery

Do you have candy-coated Willy Wonka dreams of opening your own bakery? Are you a wild-eyed entrepreneur with visions of yourself immersed in vats of chocolate and virtually high on the smell of sugar and butter? Have you ever walked by an empty retail space and thought: “This is it!”

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, we should talk. We might be able to help you.

Our friends at the 92Y in Tribeca have invited us to give a talk and tasting on October 4th at 6:30PM. Think of it as the poor man’s MBA in Dessert and Disaster. We are calling this shindig: How (not) To Open a Bakery. Oh, and we will have a lot of tasty treats for you to nibble on while we gab. Tickets are on sale now.

The talk will basically run in reverse. We will tell you everything we did wrong so you can do everything right. We hope it’s mildly entertaining, we hope you learn something, and, at the very least, we hope you can get a few laughs at our expense.

Gratuitous Martha shot – she helped our little Brooklyn bakery get national recognition:

Do not expect excel sheets and profit and loss statements (that is a class we still have yet to take). No, in this class we will give you glimpses of our brief history filled with brownie malfunctions, empty bank-accounts and strange, surreal 2AM scone sessions.

This talk is for anyone thinking about pursuing a hobby full-time or changing careers mid-way through life (or anyone that really likes brownies). We will take you through the radical ups and downs of chasing a dream, and we will wrap up with a conversation about our new cookbook, Baked Elements. (Not to get all Freud, but this book probably best represents our untamed Id)

Arrive hungry, we look forward to seeing you there.

P.S. if you can’t make our talk (and you have a few extra minutes to kill), feel free to see the very “TV” version of our saga below. Yes, we look much older now.